Evening paramotor tandem flight We have been very busy for a past few weeks. First and most important were weather conditions. Second also important were few purchases we made! We are using Dudek Orca Cabrio tandem wing. It si big! Big enough to carry 2 people. On our back is our latest gadget - very…
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Windy – application for weather forecast
Windy - application for weather forecast Windy is being used for some time by us to check on weather and especially wind prediction. We can't complain. App is very simple to use and you can add landing fields to your favourites list. Of course Paramotoring Ireland is there! On an example above you can see…
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Flight on Paramotor
Paramotor flight
Have you been wondering how paramotor flight really looks like? So here it is!
Courtesy of Sean - camera is mounted on his chest. He does perfect foot launch - he runs and after that smoothly takes off.
After a circle up to around 600 feet he lowers and touches down on his feet. Easy peasy 🙂
For more details on training and classes contact Cathal on 0868389644 or write to us.
AirConception paramotors.
Dudek wings.
Visit to AirConception factory
Visit to AirConception factory We paid visit to AirConception factory the other day. We were very impressed seeing equipment and skilled employees doing very fine and precise work! All of the paramotor elements are made on site, including carburetors and exhausts. CNC machines carve out engine blocks. We were left astonished. More on AirConception on…
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