Category Archives: paramotoring

First paramotor weekend getaway this year

Paramotor weekend getaway We had an awesome 'paramotor time' enjoying weather and breathtaking views: You would not believe this is Ireland! Atlantic Ocean and green green grass make incredible impression, isn't it? Pictures over the land or sea look unreal. Most of the guys use Dudek wings - great quality, affordable and made in EU…
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Paramotor vinyl stickers

Paramotor vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers with a paramotor silhouette? Great idea! Today accidentally I discovered them in a dirt cheap price. Delivered to your doors!

vinyl stickers

Fancy having nice accent on your car's rear window? Few different sticker types and whole bunch of sizes priced 4e up. Delivery is around 3-4e and takes week or two. We are over the moon!

You can get stickers from Etsy here -

For more information on paramotoring training and classes or equipment sale contact Cathal on 086 838 96 44 or drop an email from here.

Dudek Universal 1.1 wing

Dudek Universal 1.1 wing Some time ago we had a pleasure to test new invention from Dudek - its Universal 1.1 wing. It is perfect for initial PPG training as well recreational pilots who fly: - exclusively free (but want to benefit from moderate reflex ability) - mostly free, sometimes with paramotor - both free and…
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Northern Ireland paramotor training

Northern Ireland paramotor / powered paraglider training Northern Ireland here we come! We have noticed that few guys from North asked for a classes, powered paragliding training, wings and paramotor dealership and sales. We don't have an office in the North yet, but our training site is located in county Kildare, Ireland. This is 100 miles…
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