Category Archives: paramotoring videos

Paramotor trip to co Kerry, Ireland

Paramotor trip to co Kerry

We have a great footage from last week to co Kerry, Ireland. We took our paramotors and really really enjoyed those few days there.

Highly recommended to everyone!

For more details on powered paragliding also called paramotoring contact Cathal on or give him a call on +353 86 838 96 44

We used not only but Dudek wings and AirConceptions motors.

Sena RideConnected app for the Sena headset

Sena RideConnected app

The Sena RideConnected App is a new application you can download on iPhone and Android smartphones. This new app is designed to allow you to communicate with fellow riders all over the world. By using your smartphone, you are not limited by the range or number of intercom connections as with Bluetooth. As long as you are connected to a mobile network you can create private groups. Also you can invite your friends and chat with them while using your Sena headset.

You can setup your own profile and send an invite a virtually limitless amount of riders to talk with each other without being connected through Bluetooth.

More info on manufacturer site here.
Android app download here.
iPhone user click here.
Contact us for more info here.

Paramotor take off

Paramotor take off

Beautiful take off performed by one of our students. Wind changed but with a bit of adjustment it was a successful  take off.

Our training site is situated 30 km west of Dublin and has unrestricted air space in all directions. It is perfect to train powered paragliding skills and to admire the views from above.

Contact us here for more details.

Flashback from Coupe Icare 2016

Coupe Icare 2016

This is official video from last years 43rd Coupe Icare. We have been there! Incredible atmosphere and unforgettable people.

Lot of attractions, beautiful views and passion connected friends! We are looking forward for this year on 21-24th of September in St Hilaire du Touvet- Lumbin in France.

For more info get in touch.